
President Makoto Nakagawa
The company was founded in 1954 as Sanko Seisakusho Ltd. in Tsurumi, Yokohama. Ltd. in 1960, and amid the rapid progress of the petroleum industry, which became the driving force behind Japan's rapid economic growth, the company entered the manufacture of cargo handling pumps and shaft drive units for tankers in earnest, with twin and three-shaft gear pumps as its main products, and has since accumulated a solid track record. In 1981, we developed the industry's first twin-screw pump, and in recent years, we have been aggressively expanding our business by expanding our sales channels to land-use plants and overseas.
Makoto Nakagawa
- SPOB(Self propelled oil tanker barge) 6000DWT Bunker tanker Indonesia
- 6000DWT Bunker tanker Singapore